Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day 111 - January 11

Got up and returned the car to budget. I was rushing to see all the things I wanted to see before I left Melbourne. I headed to the Melbourne Aquarium. The lineup to get in was ridiculous! Since it was summer and lots of kids didn't have school, they were all at the aquarium. Either that or the kids all plotted against me to ruin my visit to the aquarium. Little do the kids know, I never back down from a challange!

Saw the Emperor penguins. They are the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. It was completely opposite of the penguins I saw at Phillip Island and at St Kilda, the Little Penguin (aka Fairy Penguins), where they are the smallest of the penguin species. The Emperor waddling was very prominant, just like how you see them in movies. It was funny.

Next area was the Weird and Wonderful. There were so many kids there that a lot of the times they would step on my shoes or run into me. I wanted a baseball bat. Most of the parents would let their kids just run around and scream.
Long neck turtle


Adult Moon Jellies
Japanese Spider Crab
Giant aquarium
Smooth Stingray
Sea Turtle

Grey Nurse Shark

After pushing and beating my way through the kids of the aquarium, I'm kidding... there wasn't any pushing... I headed to the giant arcade by the casino. There was about an hour before I was to meet up with the winery gang: Craig, Tobias, Ineke and Gina. Afterwards I went to the Suzuki Night Market and met up with them.

There I also met Gina's friend, Donata. The Suzuki Night Market is held at the Queen Victoria Market, only it's a seasonal market held every Wednesday during summer (November to February).

There was a lot of food stalls. It was like Taste of Calgary. I had an Emu burger and some ice cream covered chocolate cream puffs.
We watched some break dancing and live music acts on stage. It started raining and everyone went for cover.... except for us. We started dancing in the rain since the music was still playing. Then after everyone was watching us for a couple of minutes, they joined us. It was a lot of fun.

We left and went to a pub for my one last drink with everyone as I was leaving for Perth the next day.

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