Monday 23 April 2012

Day 107 - January 7

We woke up in our hostel dorm and talked to the 3 other people that were sleeping in our room. There were 2 Germans: girl named Gina and a guy named Tobias, and 1 Dutch girl, Ineke. They drove from Canberra (the capital of Australia [near Sydney]) to Adelaide on a road trip. Ineke posted an ad for travelling partners (as she had her own car) and Gina and Tobias responded (seperately).

We invited them to our winery trip and I said they can carpool with us. They agreed.
From left to right: Canadian, German, German, Dutch, Doofus/American.
We drove to the Mclaren Vale area and stopped at the information centre for directions to the good wineries. They had a tasting in the information centre itself. We had some whites and reds, but nothing stuck out as delicious to me.

And so it starts....
We moved onto the next winery. They had a huge selection. Plus they had proper wine glasses.
And it continues...
My favorite - Mud Pie Dessert Wine
Gotta be deleicate

Went to the last winery. Tried a couple more, but it all started tasting the same to me. We walked around the building and went into a barn where there was more wine tasting and barrels all around.
There was a lot of Asians there. There was also cheese, crackers and olives on a table. We all immediately went to grab some cheese and crackers to eat. After taking a couple of bites, I realized the Asians were part of a private tour. I told my new friends to stay away from me so that I could blend in with the Asian crowd haha. The wine pourer told ze Germans that it was a private tour and that we had to leave.
Our little UN - Canada, Germany, USA... joke time...
An American (Craig), a German (Tobias), and a Canadian (Alex) walk into a winery.

Craig orders a glass of Dom Perignon; when he’s finished drinking it, he pulls out a pistol, throws the glass in the air, and shoots it.

He sets the pistol down on the table and looks around. Everyone in the winery is speechless.

Craig sniggers and says, “In my country we have so much money that we can buy new glasses any time we want. One more or less doesn’t matter.”

Now Tobias orders a Dom Perignon; when he’s finished, he takes the pistol off the table, throws the glass in the air, and shoots it. Then he says, “In my country, we have so many labourers that we can make new glasses any time we want. One more or less doesn’t matter.”

He sets the pistol back down on the table.

Finally Alex orders a Dom Perignon; after he’s finished drinking it, he picks up the pistol and shoots Craig. Then he says, “In my country, we have so many Americans that one more or less doesn’t matter.”

Made entirely of corks... including the people...
After that. We drove onto victor harbour. We walked across the bridge that connected granite island and victor Harbour. There was an option to ride a tram across for some money, but we decided to save money. Thank god we did as the tram was more of a old train cart being pulled by one horse. It looked like animal cruelty.

We hiked around the island. Craig being Craig climbed the enourmous rocks that were down by the waves on the side of the island. Tobias and I decided to join. Granite Island is also home to penguins, but you can only see them when they leave their nest in the morning and when they return home from hunting at night. It was 4:00pm so we weren't able to see them.
After hiking the island we drove to a German town, Hunsdorf. Along the way there we passed by a bridge and I could hear Ineke get excited. I turned the car around back to the bridge for her to take a picture of it. She had a hobby of taking pictures of bridges. Strange, but neat. She also used a film camera! Who uses those still?!
In the town of Hunsdorf, we went to The Germans Arms Hotel to eat. I ordered the roast of the day meat special: Saurbraten - Traditional German beef pot roast served with sweet sauteed red cabbage and rhine potatoes.
Geena ordered a hot dog, but it came out to me a huge hot dog!! And I thought I ordered the meat special...
After eating we hung out in the hostel in their room for a bit. About an hour later Joel called Craig and said we could crash at his house that night.

We went to Joels and I slept on the floor by their christmas tree while Craig slept in Joel's sister Dee's bed. We all chatted for a bit then went to bed.

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