Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day 112 - January 12

Woke up and packed all my stuff. I gave my thanks to Julie for the stay. I took the bus from the Southern Cross train station, where the airport bus stops. It costed only $13. I went with Tiger airlines again as they usually have the cheapest flights.

We landed in Perth and when the airplane doors opened, I could instantly feel the heat. It was scorching hot! It was at least 38 degrees. Jenn and Paul were in Perth as well and I had plans to meet up with Jenn for lunch. I took the bus to Perth CBD. As I was crossing the road with my giant backpack, small backpack and laptop bag, the cab driver yelled "Can you walk any slower?!". Geez, what a nice first impression with these Perth people.

I was so happy to see Jenn again! We went for lunch and talked about our travels so far. I told her about my cab driver incident and she said that Perth people aren't as friendly as Melbourne people. She says that Perth is also 10 years behind the rest of Australia. Great, I just landed back in the stone age.

That night I slept at Britannia on Williams backpackers. They didn't have air conditioning, only a fan. It was so hot and humid! I told myself that I would have to find a place by tomorrow night

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