Monday 2 July 2012

Day 154 - February 23

Worked with Zack from 9am-2pm at AMF. I took peoples order while zack did the cooking in the back.

One elderly woman came up with her order of chicken salad and complained to zack that it's not what she wanted. She wanted fish and chips. We don't sell fish and chips. Zack said that she has complained many times before. She tries to get free stuff by complaining. Man o man.... the things people try and do to get free food.
Went bowling with Brett, Jenn and Paul for $3 a game. Fun stuff. First game we bowled I beat everyone with my score of 104. Not too bad since I haven't bowled for almost a year.  Second game I bowled, I did almost the same, but this time everyone else did better than me. I think Jenn and Paul were hustling Brett and I. Paul bowled 4 strikes in a row!

The Irishman

The Australian
The Canadian Chick
The Canadian Asian
Went back to my place for cake and ice cream. While everyone was here, I got Paul to help me move my bed into nick's old room, which was bigger.

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